

Strategic SEO for brand development

It is common for brands to focus time and energy being consistently present on their preferred social channels, but when it comes to user intent and conversions, are you strategically plotting an SEO content strategy for your brand?

A website that adheres to best SEO practices not only ranks well in search engines and can be found by people already wanting what you offer, it also drives traffic to your site which in turn can aid your brand development and association.

All businesses with an online presence (a website and/or social media handles) need content so if a business is going to create content, then a content strategy incorporating SEO is a no brainer.

First, let’s unpick a few terms so you are better informed to decide if it is time to focus on your SEO…


User intent:

Otherwise known as search intent, researching and analysing what your potential customers want means conversions are increased because the user, for the most part, already intends to buy.

For example, if they are likely to type in a typical phrase to find a product and your website is displayed before them in search engines, we can hazard a guess they may very possibly buy said product.

In other words, why try to catch a fish with your bare hands when you can just dangle the worm instead?

Of course, our customers and clients are not fish, BUT if you are not feeding them what they want and making it easy for them to find the ‘fish food’ then they will swim away to your competitors spot on the lake.

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Going from one action to another desired action, preferably browser to buyer in the case of most businesses, is the objective.

A smooth customer journey, from being found, to website navigation, technical on page functionality and user experience (UX) to post consumer brand association is also crucial.

It sounds complex, but a good agency will focus and advise on how best to drive conversions.


SEO content strategy:

In one way or another you need content to inform, educate, entertain and engage your audience so why an SEO content and not just any old content churned out on a whim?

Well, to give your website the best chances at being found.

Just as importantly ensuring conversion rates are optimised when your potential customers and clients do find you.

Whether your SEO efforts include your web copy or blog pages, it makes smart business sense to structure your content around keyword research and ideal customer analysis.

When it comes to content strategy are you and your competitors harnessing the potential of best SEO practices from the offset or is SEO on the backburner?


As you now know, a solid focus on SEO is crucial yet is often an area neglected by small to medium businesses who often focus on short term business activities, particularly in the early stages of brand development. This can put you at an advantage amongst your industry peers if they have yet to action search engine optimisation for long term brand strategy.

To conclude, acknowledging the benefits of a good SEO strategy for online visibility and increased traffic is a good business decision.

Search engines can be likened to the ocean; deep and it is easy to get washed away amongst your competitors, particularly those with large teams dedicated to online brand development.


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As 2020 fast approaches, it’s time for brands to sink or swim as we keep up in the competitive online space.

Leaving you with the question, is SEO a priority or an afterthought in your business?..


If you would like to discuss how our team can support you with an individual SEO strategy to meet your needs, feel free to contact us for a non-obligatory chat. Alternatively, to request some case studies to see how we apply our expertise to brands like yours, please get in touch today.

*main header image source: with thanks.



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